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About the British Scoliosis Society

The objectives of the society are to provide a forum for the study of the origin, natural history and treatment of spinal deformities. To pursue these objectives, the society shall:

  1. Attempt to ensure the highest possible standards of management for individuals with spinal deformities
  2. Promote, finance and organise research and development in the field of spinal deformities
  3. Educate the community in general, and medical practitioners and associated professionals in the most effective methods of recognition, prevention, treatment and long term management of spinal deformities
  4. The society may accumulate funds and receive donations to further the above objectives

Members or the BSS are involved in the development of future spine professionals who are encouraged to join the society

The BSS is affiliated with the British Orthopaedic Association and the United Kingdom Spine Societies Board

The BSS Executive Committee Officers:

The BSS Executive comprises of the following:


Neil Oxborrowpresident@britscoliosis.org.uk
President-ElectLee Breakwellpresident-elect@britscoliosis.org.uk
SecretaryNiall Eamessecretary@britscoliosis.org.uk
TreasurerLee Breakwelltreasurer@britscoliosis.org.uk
EducationEd Bayleyeducation@britscoliosis.org.uk
ResearchAdrian Gardnerresearch@britscoliosis.org.uk
Governance and RegistryShreya Srinivas


Membership and Webmaster

Sudarshan Munigangaiah

CRG RepVinay Jasanicrg@britscoliosis.org.uk
Trainee RepSurya Gandhamtrainee@britscoliosis.org.uk
Allied Professional RepLaura Kenisonahp@britscoliosis.org.uk
BSS2025: London - Local Host Jonathan Lucasmeeting-host@britscoliosis.org.uk

Our administrative support is provided by the UKSSB Executive Assistant at the UK Spine Societies Board (www.ukssb.com).

BSS is unable to provide medical advice. If you are seeking medical advice you should consult your General Practitioner.

For general contact and queries, email us at info@britscoliosis.org.uk

British Scoliosis Society (BSS), 38-43 Lincoln's Inn Fields, Holborn, London, WC2A 3PE

Registered Charity - No.294272

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